親子樂: (English Space) In the back of your mind 常在我腦海裏


Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做。 《聖經‧腓立比書》四章13節
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

Meaning: To have considered something briefly but not thinking about it too seriously or actively.

Justin: What are you thinking, Sofia?
Sofia: Oh! I’m still thinking of where to go for my next hiking challenge.
Justin: I see! I know you’ve hiked almost all the tall mountains in Hong Kong.
Sofia: That’s true. I’ve always wanted to go to somewhere new and challenging, but I just have no idea what that place could be!
Justin: Let me think…what about outside Hong Kong, for example, Japan or Taiwan? There are lots of tall mountains there.
Sofia: Right! I guess it’s always been in the back of my mind. At times I’ve even thought I could climb up Mount Fuji in Japan.
Justin: Or higher!

Activities 活動

Suggested Answers to the October Issue:

1) What is the verb of the word “hiking” in the text ?
文中 “hiking” 一字的動詞是甚麼?
2) a) What is the tallest mountain in Hong Kong ?
香港最高的山叫甚麼 ?
b) What is the second tallest mountain in Hong Kong ?
香港第二高山又叫甚麼 ?
3) Japan is the name of a country in Asia.Can you write the name of another country in Asia?
4) What is the Chinese name of Mount Fuji in Japan ?
日本的 Mount Fuji 中文名字是甚麼 ?

Suggested Answers to the October Issue:

1. 班長
2. Some classes have one to four monitors.
3. Examples are Goodies and Ming Pao.
4. Examples are :
To help teachers to carry books.
To lend classmates stationery.


(3歲定80) 培養勝於壓制
(共育幼苖) 紅色的樹幹
(English Space) In the back of your mind 常在我腦海裏

